Friday, October 8, 2010

Apostle Boyd Packer added to Wig of Shame with large worm by his name.

Dear Apostle Boyd Packer,
Your name has been added to the wig of shame because of your inappropriate comments towards LGBT Members of the LDS Church. How can you condemn LGBT members who have served full missions,served and died in the US Military,held priesthood and bishop rec. among other positions. What would Jesus say about your hate filled speech? What would you say to parents who have lost an LGBT child to suicide because of torment and hatred by his own church leaders and church members? Until you are god with capital letters GOD you can't judge me. In loving memory of all good LDS members who have died of suicide because of religious leaders spouting hate and intolerance.
We want civil rights not to be married in your church, get over it!
Sundance Wig of Shame

Sundance Wig of Shame is in no way associated with the Sundance Film Festival. Sundance Wig of Shame is the individual voice of Tom aka Walmartah Anita Bea Neutered
Joke em if they no take frucky!

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Utah and 9 State File Brief Opposing Gay Marriage (However the US Constitution will not be trampled by States or Religious Groups)

I find it ironic that when a soldier dies serving his country that no one seems to care if he was a Gay or Bi man, or a lesbian woman. I find it ironic that the greatest 8 Nations of the world do not have an issue with open military service or gay marriage.

The Constitution does not allow States to trample Federal Inalienable Rights of Citizens. All Citizens should be treated with full citizenship benefits.

Friday, September 24, 2010

You're A Homo Lady Gaga Spoof Tribute to Hypocrites

Alejandro Parody (You're a Homo) By Sherry Vine & Francis Legge Youtube! Too Funny! Hypocrite politicians,churches, and the holier than now!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Chrissi Land oH Licks Buttars Speaks Out!

Once Upon a time I thought it would be funny to dress in drag for a homophobe which united the gay community of Utah and elsewhere......

drag queens,fugly Girls should never run out of the beauty parlor without first looking in the mirror!

If Senator Buttars was not a homophobe prior to Buttars Palooza he might be after seeing me there in his honor!

Who is Chrissi Land Oh Licks Buttars Gay Drag Queen of Buttars - Palooza , is it an alter ego of Senator Chris Buttars from Utah ?
Oh Ho No You Don’t Senator Buttars!
Senator You Deserve At Least Three Drag Queen Blitch Slaps:
(1)The Ugly Black Baby comments were despicable no group of people should be Hated On That Way!
(2)The comments made about School Segregation are also unacceptable.
(3) There are many Muslims who are excellent model citizens which were offended by your remarks, As a Christian I was offended that you made it sound like they were all terrorists. As a gay tax paying citizen I was offended. You attempt to judge me without knowing me, based upon my sexual orientation. You fail to recognize my model citizen background, Westminster College degree (over 5 years in college so far), as well as having at least two major government related background checks, as well as being a Christian, and outspoken social advocate for change in our country and peace in our community. Who the ()/ell, do you think you are?
You attempt to generalize all into one group by using outdated bigotry based stereotyping. When challenged on your hate, you give side stepped and meaningless apologies. You do not in your heart care for those that you have hurt. Your opinion is one thing; to be allowed to spout vile hate is another. I believe in Karma, what goes around comes around.
So some would ask why are the hate filled vile rants of these elected officials offending me? From those like (Eagle Forum leader Gayle Ruzicka, Chris Buttars , Lamar Christensen and others in office) It is because we live in America, a country which prides itself on diversity. A place where as humans all have worked so long to all be treated equally. Where immigrants could come and make a better life. America has always been a place away from the wars of oppression elsewhere.
We are famous for being the premier place for civil rights, and for treating citizens equally. I was born gay, I did not choose to be gay. I am who I am.

Our Nations history is noted with much advancement in civil rights. We as a nation stood together and said Slavery is not right, equal but separate is not right and we fought many wars to ensure the freedoms that life in the United States grants us. In the battlefields gay, straight, bisexual and trans-gender as well as many minorities fought side by side with Caucasians. Yes, I have many military gay friends, and many return missionary L.D.S. gay friends. There are also many gay parents like myself out there. My newly immigrant family fought in World War II because it was the right thing to do. We fought and eliminated Adolph Hitler and other dictators who oppressed free people.
We also do not as a nation condone HATRED. Hate is not acceptable in our society. Elected officials may not make threatening remarks about citizens; these elected officials may have personal opinions but are elected to govern for the people that are part of their districts. Your elected peers allowed the hate filled rants to slide, no consequences, no apologies.
The members of this minority group Gay Lesbian Bisexual and Trans-gender People wish to have equality. We only want to be treated with equal respect and dignity, the same equal respect and dignity that are afforded to all nationalities, ethnicities of heterosexual people in this great country. We do not want to take away from the rights of heterosexual people to marry. Just as when I was allowed to marry earlier in life. We want to be allowed to show our love for one another and enter into a relationship which is legally binding under State and Federal Law. We want the same exact rights that protect you as a straight man from discrimination. The same legal protections that you take for granted every day. The same legal benefits and tax deductions,the same rights to bury our loved ones, to see our loved ones in hospitals and to make legal decisions that I and my wife made when married. The ability to get reduced rates on combined insurance for healthy people. Nothing more nothing less, just equality for all citizens.
When you as a Senator oppress one group you discriminate also against others in society that are not L.G.B.T. Under these same denials of equality, straight couples living together also do not have any equality either in many instances. Those common law heterosexual couples who are not treated as citizens. The Laws of the United States as well as most States say that you must be married as a man and woman by an elected official or by a religious leader and have a marriage license. Some States allow a few equality protections for straight couples who are now “common law married” due to time together. Straight people living together are also treated as outcasts even though they are citizens and deserving of happiness.
We will attempt as a GLBT Community to show by actions and good deeds that we are decent and productive members of society. We will show thru our love for our fellow man that there are many struggles which face us as a great nation, which need to be overcome. We will show our Gay Community Love without lowering ourselves to the hateful racism and bigotry and insensitivity toward others thus shown by Senator Buttars. As an individual, I promise to work in improving my community inclusive of all humanity, and the Country in which I live. Until I am god with a capital G, I cannot judge others. Community volunteer since 2005, Member of Utah Cyber Sluts Charity Fund Raising Drag Queens October 2009 to present, Where we as a group in 2009 raised over $25,000 for local worthy charities.

Thank you to all of the straight allies for Equality. Thank you to all who gave many sacrifies to improve the lives of all citizens in the United States.

May God Bless America and Utah when it someday starts acting like a part of it!

Tom & Darin 2nd Class Citizens

This past year in Utah (previously written in 2009 Spring), two 7 year old beautiful Innocent Angels were taken from us by evil in 2008. They were some of the unfortunate child murder Victims in our Family Values State. Thru Love and Taking Care of Our Fellow Man, Good Will Overpower Evil! We will be inspired by their memory to do good in this world!
"I am but one man; united by friends I might be able to leave this world just slightly better than when I found it!"
I believe in the power within all of us to do good.
To all reading this; Please Support Community Improvement: Utah Food Bank, Big Brothers & Sisters, and after school programs as well as many other charities and programs which need us more than ever before.

From the website,
When: Sat, February 28, 1pm – 3pm
Where: Utah State capitol South Lawn (map)
Description: Utahans are fair and just people who strive for a better society. We believe “in life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness”. We also believe in free speech. However, State Senator Chris Buttars crossed the line drawn by a fair and just people by stepping on a minority with offensive and demeaning language. Through his defense of the Senator from West Jordan, Senate President Michael Waddoups is equally complicit in this defense of the Senator. By their actions, Senators Buttars and Waddoups do not value or respect that sense of fairness and justice of the majority of Utahns. Senators Buttars and Waddoups did not just demean the LGBT community. They demeaned all Utahns striving for a fair and just society. By recently claiming the "the gays" as the ""biggest threat to America", the Senator ignored climate change, economic disparity, racial inequity and xenophobia, and the other big challenges faced by America, Utah, and our cities and towns. All Utahns are invited to come the Capitol on Saturday, February 28th at 1pm to party for truth and justice. The event will be a lively and fun celebration of our diversity and inclusion of all in a fair and just society. The event will be MC’d by Troy Williams of KRCL and there will be great speakers, music, and other fun. Come celebrate with us!!!
March 2009 Towerload link to Chrissi Land oH Licks Buttars Speaks Out, Buttars Palooza Utah State Capital lawn
Utah Govenor Herbert No Special Rights for Gay People

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Walmartah Chriss Land oh Licks Buttars at Buttars Palooza (as seen on Mormon Proposition Photos)

"I had enough when Senator Chris Buttars said that Gays are the Greatest Threat and was not chastised by his peers for his public hate rants.These rants had followed "the ugly black baby comments he had previously made" and the comments he had made in the past regarding "reversing Brown Vs Board of Education". I had never dressed in drag for a cause, so I decided if he was not a homophobe prior to seeing me at Buttars Palooza he might be now! I had just rushed out of the beauty parlor with my beer belly and understuffed tiger print pants, my cowgirl hat had fallen off running up the to the event on the grounds of the Utah State Capital. I had the barber shop drape on and my mud pickle facial had dried a little fast. I was fugly and in his honor at the party I addressed my self as Chrissi Land oH Licks Buttars! It was alot of fun! (Many of my photos are on 8 The Mormon Proposition on facebook, Twitter and Mormon Proposition. Com. I proudly dressed in formal Lady Gaga inspired drag fashion for the Sundance 2010 Film Festival, the bridal veil covered in the Worms who opposed gay rights and equality SUNDANCEWIGOFSHAME Facebook, and Sundance2010wig on Twitter;
THE SPEECH I WROTE FOR THE Buttars Palooza Gay Rights Event was titled Chrissi Land oh Licks Buttars and starts off with HO NO YOU DON'T...

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Sundance 2010 Wig of Shame Walmartah Utah Cyber Slut for Charity Fundraising

Sundance 2010 Wig of Shame wig headdress inspired by Lady Gaga, the veil was covered with the worms who opposed LGBT rights (no offense to earthworms)the gaygull gay seagull hovered over the veil looking for Mormon Crickets,the cricket plague was no where to be found so the worms looked tasty!

I had a great time walking up and down Park City Main Street during the film festival and in front of one of the Mormon Proposition Movie Screenings. I fell on my butt in the formal black gown in front of the Egyptian Theatre to the amusement of the crowds.

Special thank you to the Park City Police department for being very professional and courteous, and a special thank you to all of the restuarant and business owners who invited me in for photo opps.